Flutter apps examples - blog cover

How to succeed in launching a new application when there are so many representatives with competitive solutions?  It might be surprising, but common practice to follow good market examples can be turned to your advantage. Indeed, the experience gained by others can enlighten your project from different perspectives and brainstorm ideas for better product implementation. In this article, we’re going to consider the known Flutter apps examples and learn how your team can benefit from them.

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The app market has tremendously changed over recent years. The fast technology advancement and increasing market demand supported a wide adoption of app solutions across all industries. It’s hard to find a company that hasn’t considered app development for their business needs. Even though applications vary due to the project specification, all teams have to undergo the development process and find the best approaches for product implementation. 

Technology choice becomes one of the decisive aspects here. The good tech stack enables great functionality, team productivity, fast implementation, smooth performance, easier maintenance, etc. The technology stack can’t be chosen without a comprehensive requirements analysis. The well-outlined functional and non-functional requirements help to make a deliberate decision corresponding to project specifications. At the same time, teams have to check on the market tendencies and learn what technologies have a promising future. 

Staying up-to-date is definitely among the top requirements. Companies need to be aware of all the latest advancements and follow the best practices. Talking about app development, many teams discover the opportunity of cross-platform development. It allows them to build apps for different platforms from a single codebase. The cross-platform solutions have fastly gained popularity on the market. More and more teams started to leverage this approach for their needs. 

Considering the cross-platform development, Flutter remains among the top representatives in this domain. This technology is worth special attention due to the numerous benefits it introduces on the market. Flutter easily becomes a game changer in advancing app development. The number of projects built with Flutter is increasing rapidly, and it gets the point of more than 500k Flutter apps. And it’s without mentioning that the technology is relatively new on the market.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source, cross-platform framework that supports the development of mobile, web, desktop and embedded applications. It makes it possible to deploy to multiple platforms while maintaining a single codebase.

flutter timelineMoreover, the fast framework development adds a broader perspective. Over a really short period, Flutter has opened so many opportunities for creating advanced apps. In fact, the beta release was only suitable for Android app development. However, from the very beginning, the Flutter team’s goal was to introduce a framework that could enable Android and iOS app development. The first stable version of Flutter was released in December 2018 and already had the support for both platforms. From that moment on, the cross-platform framework continues to introduce innovative functionality. What’s more, the team has done everything to support web, desktop and embedded app development. It becomes possible to maintain a single codebase and allows developers to deploy apps to multiple platforms. From the latest updates, it was the introduction of Flutter 3 in May 2022. It added stable support for Linux and macOS applications and introduced the Casual Games Toolkit to launch Flutter games. 

The framework advancement is also explained by great support on the market. Both businesses and developers have become interested in apps that use Flutter as they can gain numerous benefits from this cross-platform solution. Flutter keeps on strengthening its market position. It gathers a huge community that reaches the number of more than 3M developers. Besides, the framework belongs to the most used and loved frameworks applied in app development.

Considering the popularity of this framework, we won’t be able to skip the question of how apps built with Flutter become that popular. It isn’t hard to find various Flutter apps examples and notice how fastly they spread on the market. Even the fact that the technology is new to the market doesn’t make it less attractive for developers and businesses. 

The main thing is that it has everything required for efficient app development and continuously keeps on introducing innovative tools and features. Apps made with Flutter are known for excellent functionality, impressive designs, and fast performance. Besides, developers acknowledge many benefits within the development process, including the shortened timeline and cost savings. Let’s proceed with more details on the advantages businesses can get with apps built with Flutter.

Flutter apps advantages

  • Open-source ecosystem

The Flutter team focuses on building a strong and open-source ecosystem. It’s a known fact that this technology was created and supported by Google. But they encourage contributions from developers from all over the world. It enables to become one of the largest communities on the market. Flutter developers have access to more than 19k packages, plugins, tools, and integrations. It definitely provides the solid base to introduce advanced apps built with Flutter. 

  • Native performance

Looking through Flutter apps examples, it’s worth noting the excellent performance and extensive functionality presented for users. They have no problem competing with solutions implemented with native development approaches. Flutter introduces all the necessary functionality and tools to transform the user experience for the better. High app performance becomes another great advantage when choosing this framework for the next project.

  • Increased productivity

The team can’t forget about productivity when looking for a great technology for app development. It influences not only the process efficiency but the final product results. This framework is fast to learn and simple to use due to core tech specifications. Extensive documentation, regular updates, and detailed tutorials are highly valued among developers. Besides, the team can leverage a variety of DevTools to enhance workflows and support productivity.

  • Beautiful designs

If the team drives a special focus on the app design, this technology presents a winning solution. It isn’t surprising that the market is full of beautiful Flutter apps examples as they apply the best designs. The main goal of Flutter is to make the application feel and look great on every platform. Adaptive and responsive approaches in design help to deliver beautiful looks and excessive user experience within Flutter apps. 

  • Large community

The supportive community often becomes a decisive aspect of technology advancement. The Flutter’s success also relies on the tremendous support from the developers’ community and Google. It enabled the introduction of an open and reliable framework. Besides, it won’t be difficult to find Flutter developers as their number is constantly increasing. Many businesses find such cooperation really advantageous as they can keep pace with the latest market trends.

  • Cost savings

Last but not least is the opportunity to make savings simple and convenient. As long as the companies decide to build Flutter apps, they can count on quicker time-to-market and simplified maintenance. The teams don’t have to deliver separate apps for each platform, thus reducing development time and costs. Besides, maintaining a single app version is always more cost-effective. It makes Flutter a reasonable choice while covering all rising needs.

Would you like to find a comparison of Flutter with other technologies?

Check our latest articles for more information about Flutter competitors such as React Native, .NET MAUI, and Xamarin.

.NET MAUI vs Flutter

Flutter vs Xamarin

Flutter vs React Native


Regardless of business specifications, companies look for efficient ways to advance internal operations and customer experience. App development becomes an excellent solution to introduce the required functionality and meet outlined needs. Along with leveraging Flutter, the team can introduce the full-fledged solution to multiple platforms. It is a great opportunity to build a single codebase application compatible with mobile, desktop, or embedded devices.

When considering Flutter for your project, it’ll be interesting to find the answer to such a question as “What apps are made with Flutter?”. It covers a good market practice of gaining valuable experience from other representatives and their successful product stories. Before we proceed with Flutter apps examples, it’s worth emphasizing the fact that this technology has been favoured by both big aggregators and new market players. It meets the team’s every need, including a smooth development process and exceptional functionality.

Google Ads Mobile App

The first Flutter app example to start will be the Google Ads mobile application. Since Flutter is developed and supported by Google, it’s definitely interesting to see how they use this technology for their needs. The online advertising platform Google Ads has delivered a full-fledged mobile application to meet customer needs on the go.

Flutter apps examples: Google Ads

As a result, Google Ads is also a business mobile application built by Google LLC. The primary focus was on providing on-the-go functionality to stay connected with advertising campaigns within a few taps on the smartphone. The app focus followed such business needs as enhanced flexibility and extended user experience. It goes without saying that mobile presence refers to a must-have requirement. Customers are looking for the convenience of doing different tasks, whether business operations or daily activities. 

The Google Ads team has presented the full set of features to manage ad performance and optimize campaigns via mobile devices. It becomes an efficient tool for business and marketing managers to stay connected anytime. The core application’s functionality includes:

  • Account management
  • Real-time ad campaign tracking
  • Campaign optimization
  • Performance management
  • Explore functionality
  • Status changes
  • Various type campaigns 
  • Recommendations
  • Billing and payments

This Flutter app example covers all the necessary functionality to run successful ad campaigns. The main idea is that the user can switch between devices without losing performance track and optimizing the campaign when required. 

The Google Ads team has reached its primary need of providing a full-fledged mobile solution to enhance customer experience. Leveraging Flutter, they launched a mobile application for App Store and Google Play and kept increasing their audience. Only the number of downloads in Google Play reaches more than 10M.

Following such a Flutter app example, it becomes clear that Flutter is a great choice for complex solutions that deal with large data sets and get the best functionality. Businesses have to be aware that Flutter is definitely a solution to enable continued scalability. The teams won’t have any problems with rising demand as they can adopt the solution according to their project-specific needs.


It’s always interesting to discover how business needs vary from project to project. Some teams try to extend the existing solutions, whereas others keep on reinventing traditional services. In this case, we can consider one of the following Flutter apps examples like Nubank, a game-changer for the finance industry outside Asia.

App examples: Nubank

That is a known provider of digital banking services that mainly operates in such countries as Brazil, Columbia, and Mexico. Nubank users have the great opportunity to complete various financial operations just within the mobile application. Banking beyond traditional institutions might be new to the market, but it has definitely changed user expectations. It’s an exceptional opportunity to handle most banking transactions with a few taps. As for the app functionalities, Nubank users are offered:

  • Digital accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Business accounts
  • Life insurance
  • Personal loans
  • Investments
  • NuTap for contactless payments

Currently, the number of Nubank customers reaches more than 50M and continuously grows. Fast advancements and regular updates help the team to deliver the best functionality and user experience for their customers. At the same time, this Flutter app example shows how everything can be advanced with the right technology choice and how important it remains to stay up-to-date.

Interested in how to build a cutting-edge application for the fintech industry?

You can check our latest comprehensive guide that describes core features, the development process, and business models commonly used for applications like Revolut.

How to build an app like Revolut

The development history of the Nubank app is quite interesting. And what’s more, that wasn’t a Flutter application from the very beginning. In 2013, the team started with iOS and Android apps built with Swift and Kotlin. Native development approaches were the only option, as hybrid frameworks lacked functionality at that moment. At the same time, the Nubank team was always open to changes and ready to experiment with other technologies. 

With the company’s growth, the development team continued to experiment with different alternatives. For example, they also used React Native to advance user accounts. It was a great success that proved the advantages of hybrid technologies. Later they conducted an internal research project and evaluated technologies by many criteria like viability, cost, development risks, etc. To their surprise, Flutter was a definite winner and became the primary mobile technology for Nubank solutions. All the upcoming functionalities were agreed to develop with Flutter, as well as the legacy features migrated over time. 

This great Flutter app example shows how it becomes important to stay flexible. It covers the opportunity to develop successful products while using best practices on the market. Flutter offers numerous off-the-box solutions to streamline development and support the best performance.


Discussing what apps use Flutter also impresses with the amazing application variety. It is interesting to find out how the technology is adopted in different categories and to project specifications. Flutter attracts the attention of both well-established representatives and new market players. This cross-platform framework provides equal opportunities to quickly enter the market with a valuable product. 

Flutter apps examples: Reflectly

Another great Flutter app example is Reflectly, the journal app for self-care and mental health improvement. It embraces the full set of features to improve mood, reduce anxiety, practice mindfulness, etc. The app idea is based on connecting best psychology practices and the latest technology advancements. Moreover, Reflectly driven by AI helps to reflect thoughts and improve mood. The core functionality of Reflectly covers:

  • Digital diary
  • Personal journaling companion
  • Intelligent questions
  • Daily quotes
  • Motivation challenges
  • Mood tracker
  • Personalized insights and reminders

Reflectly team has managed to build a supportive environment for a large audience. Besides, the application is getting great recognition on the market. The effectiveness of using this app has also been affirmed by a number of experts, including the best therapists and psychologists.

It’s great to see how the new market players can share their success stories. Starting with just two developers, the team delivered the initial product version for iOS and Android users in less than three months. Flutter allowed them to decrease development time by 50% as well as present required functionality. It was a revelation for the team that they could advance their solutions so fast.

Another distinguishing characteristic of Flutter apps examples is the beautiful design. And for Reflectly, it was a decisive criterion. The entire app concept was built upon impressive designs and a unique user experience. From the beginning, the team was looking for a tech solution that could make a difference to the product. Flutter enabled them to implement all the initial ideas and not to worry about how to adapt to the unique characteristics of each platform. That’s a win-win solution to cover both functional and non-functional requirements. Flutter has become a good choice to present consistent, personalized designs to millions of users across different platforms. Moreover, the latest technology releases cover the ability to advance the solution, including web support.

Considering such examples of Flutter apps, teams can be aware that there’s always a way to build a good product. The main thing is just to carefully specify the needs and select the right tools to implement them. The exceptional app functionality, beautiful designs, and unique user experience can definitely beat the strongest market competition.

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The interesting thing about Flutter development is also the way how companies address their business-specific needs. If some teams work on extending existing solutions, others just start from scratch. Though, as the experience shows, the app introduction seizes the opportunity to extend the brand and engage with your customers in a totally new way.

Flutter apps examples: Hamilton

We’d like to take one of the excellent Flutter apps examples that managed to present their services from a completely different perspective. Hamilton is an entertainment app built by the known musical theatre in New York. The app’s success was supported by the deliberate decision of the team to find new ways to get engaged with the theatre fans. It’s impossible to deny the fact that customer expectations have drastically changed over recent years. User engagement is a decisive aspect of establishing audience loyalty.

It’s amazing how adopting the Hamilton app allowed the company to expand the brand beyond the stage. The introduced functionality focuses on entertaining fans and giving them access to other theatre-related things anytime they want. Besides entertaining purposes, they embrace eCommerce practices. For instance, users have the opportunity to purchase tickets for upcoming events or buy merchandise from the Hamilton store. To discover the variety of features delivered for this Flutter app example, you can check the following list:

  • Hamilton news, including video content
  • Lottery
  • Karaoke 
  • Trivia game
  • #HamCam to make selfie photos
  • Sticker packs
  • Treasury for exclusive customer offers 
  • Merchandise

The Hamilton app idea is a perfect example of how businesses always have opportunities for growth. It’s definitely worth the effort to try something new and keep on expanding your solutions. As for Hamilton, it was the decision to build an app while meeting the additional needs of their fans. They acknowledge that choosing Flutter was the best decision for them. The development team managed to launch the app within three months after they wrote the first code line. The technology choice was right in every possible term. It embraced the project requirements related to performance, visual look, productivity, etc. 

Apps written in Flutter prove that this framework is suitable for teams with high expectations of quality. It corresponds to the need to build cutting-edge solutions and maximize productivity. Delivering exceptional customer experience has definitely advanced with the opportunities provided by Flutter. In order to withstand the market competition, companies have to encourage growth, optimize business processes and enhance better engagement with their customers.


Discovering great Flutter apps examples helps to understand better how to look at the technology from different perspectives:

  1. It’s about the possibility of delivering advanced products regardless of platform specifications.
  2. Apps written in Flutter can suit the needs of various industries.
  3. Flutter has a promising future to advance app development to a new level.

From our experience, we can say that Flutter has also become a primary choice for some applications built for our clients. The comprehensive requirements analysis and learning of the market tendencies help us to remain quite demanding. The technology stack has always been a decisive aspect of the overall process efficiency. Flutter gives the unique possibility to meet functional and non-functional requirements quickly and efficiently. We stick to strong principles in delivering the best solutions and meeting customer needs. 

Prismatext is among Flutter mobile apps that would get your attention. That is an innovative mobile application powered by AI to learn new languages while reading a book. Our client, Prismatext, was looking for an efficient solution to extend user experience and develop a full-fledged mobile solution. The application built with Flutter covered new business opportunities and exceptional functionality to meet customer needs. 

Flutter apps examples: Prismatext

The core idea of Prismatext is to support language learning when blending foreign words into the text. This learning method is known as the Diglot Weave technique and has proven to be 50% more effective than other practice methods. The Prismatext users have access to the following features implemented within an app:

  • User account
  • Book catalogue
  • Advanced e-reader
  • Customized reader appearance
  • Foreign words density switch
  • Offline reading
  • Wishlist
  • Accessibility features

Well-outlined project requirements and open communication enabled a clear understanding of the project needs. In collaboration with Existek’s team, Prismatext delivered all the outlined functionality to support efficient learning approaches. Our task was to find the technology that could support native performance and be suitable for fast app delivery. It’s also great that Flutter mobile apps are easy to maintain. 

This technology’s popularity is growing day by day. Businesses and developers find Flutter efficient for a variety of use cases. As it always leaves space for improvements, teams gain all the necessary tools for further updates and integrations. Today’s market is full of successful Flutter apps examples, including mobile, web, desktop and embedded solutions. Leveraging Flutter for your business can be a good decision as there is no limitation due to platform specifications.

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When the teams share their development stories, they also gain a new perspective on the product vision. It often helps to come up with some ideas and oversee the market expectations. In fact, this efficient practice allows them to exchange ideas as well as learn from valuable insights. Technology choice has always been among the top priorities in delivering great software solutions. And Flutter is definitely rocking the market at present. Considering the popular Flutter apps examples, teams have the chance to broaden their experience and get useful hints for the next project implementation. It provides a better overview of market demand and helps to impose the right requirements for your product development. 

Interested in developing your next project with Flutter?

As a software development company with a decade-long experience building cutting-edge solutions, Existek also specializes in Flutter development and knows how to address your business needs with it.

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Frequently asked questions

Why choose Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source, cross-platform framework to build the application regardless of platform specifications. It introduces such benefits as fast development, functionality, productivity, and cost reduction.

What are other popular apps built with Flutter?

Among the Flutter apps examples, you can find solutions delivered by:

  • Alibaba Group

  • eBay

  • BMW

  • Google Pay

  • Toyota

What are the main benefits of Flutter apps?

Developers favour the opportunity to deploy apps to multiple platforms while maintaining a single code base. Besides, apps made with Flutter are fast to deliver and know for great performance and beautiful designs.

How to learn from the experience of other apps that use Flutter?

Analyzing good market practices can enlighten your project idea and bring new perspectives. The teams have an excellent opportunity to learn from experience gained by others and adapt it to their business-specific needs.

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