
Web application development services

Existek is a software development company providing dedicated teams and a full range of web application development services. We gladly help you with creating and launching effective enterprise solutions, successful software-as-a-service platforms, and other web-related solutions.

Looking for a professional web application development company?

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  • Timeline
  • Cost estimation
  • Technology stack
  • Implementation strategy
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Our web app development services

We are a team of software engineering and business professionals who leverage the vast expertise accumulated in various industries. Our web application development company helps customers solve the most complex challenges they can meet on track to creating the next innovative web app or business software.

Custom web application development

Existek provides custom web application development services for companies of different specifications and sizes. Whether you are an established enterprise or a small growing business, we’ll help you create and improve web products with innovative features and beautiful appearances.

SaaS web application development

We create powerful web apps that are all set to function in the SaaS distribution model. The core value is to deliver excellent web applications that run and look consistent across various platforms and browsers. Besides, our team offers subject matter expertise to deliver SaaS apps for specific domains and industries.

Front-end web application development

We know the first impression is the key to higher user retention. At Existek, we create sophisticated web interfaces with a clean look to ensure customers enjoy using your web application and receive an extensive user experience.

Back-end web application development

Back-end logic and stability remain the cornerstones of a great product. We equip dedicated teams with the best software engineers to ensure that the backend of web apps is robust, stable, secure, and easy to maintain.

Web application modernization

Do you feel you are losing customers and money because of your web apps’ slow performance and outdated look? We’ll help port your legacy software using the trendiest technologies and give it a new life.

API development

We are helping businesses find and implement the best practices to integrate platforms into any software ecosystem by implementing advanced APIs, middleware, adding, and connectivity solutions.

Cloud migration services

We offer assistance with moving your operations and processes to advanced cloud environments. Our cloud experts specialize in finding viable alternatives to on-premise legacy infrastructures to level up your business with scalable web apps. We help evolve and implement efficient migration strategies.

Web app integration services

Existek's team specializes in creating connected systems to enable integrations and streamlined workflows. We deliver web app integration services for both enterprise and external solutions. The main goal is to bring efficiency, customization, and scalability to modern web-based systems.

Web development consulting

We also provide technical and business consulting services, offering comprehensive web development strategies and suggestions. Our expertise covers professional advice within the full-cycle development process and enables experts' engagement at any required stage.

Why choose our web development company?

Our expert team is equipped with all the necessary skills to deliver custom product development that benefits your business. We are always ready to go the extra mile to build top-market web apps and establish successful partnerships with our clients.


years on the market


clients in 10 countries


average review rating on Clutch

What we value most when building web solutions

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Did you know that it only takes 30 seconds for users to decide whether they stay or abandon the new software? Our web application development services aim at creating eye-catching presentations. We help to combine simplicity with appealing designs while reflecting your brand’s identity.

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How can we help to retain your customers? Our experts always make sure that the web app will be simple to use and navigate. Clarity and consistency are the cornerstones to delivering an intuitive user experience across your progressive web apps.

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Need to build web apps with distinguishing features? We know how to turn your business ideas into functional software. EXISTEK’s team is ready to present web solutions to your challenges via technology-driven approaches.

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Why enhance performance? It is always the key to better accessibility, stability, and reliability of your products. Web development allows teams to maintain high scalability that enables the constant advancement of software performance.

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Are you looking for highly secure software? EXISTEK takes safety at the forefront of any development. It is a necessity to comply with all the regulations to deliver robust and secure web-based products.

Our projects

application screen
application screen

Ready to bring the vision of your
web apps to life?

demo of application

What our customers say?

5.0 five stars

CEO, Software Solutions Company

They seem to have very talented developers and they are transparent which is very important to us.
5.0 five stars

VP of Development, IntelliChief

Existek refined a key piece of a document management company’s software product. They conducted research into Microsoft integrations and built a new program with improved functionalities.

Web application development tech stack

EXISTEK operates various technologies to find the most appropriate solution to your technical challenges. We embrace the web app development service to deliver cutting-edge solutions utilizing the latest web technologies and tools. Our team continuously focuses on turning your business needs into sufficient technical solutions.

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.NET development services



Java application development services



We have served customers from various business domains for more than a decade. During this time, our web app development company has accumulated unique experience in many industries, including business intelligence, healthcare, eCommerce, education, and many others. Existek is ready to contribute our knowledge to enrich your web apps with technical know-how and address all requirements for even the most demanding and sophisticated web-based solutions.

Enterprise web app development

Are you looking for a technology partner capable of creating enterprise web solutions that streamline your workflow and make your business more productive? Existek team can help you with its implementation. We have gained extensive experience with creating ERP, CRM, web portals and other enterprise solutions.

Business intelligence

We have built business intelligence platforms with real-time data and report processing for some of the industry leaders. And we are ready to do the same for you using the latest tech approaches and data management techniques. Let’s develop efficient BI platforms, scalable web applications, and web portals to cover your business-specific needs.

eCommerce web app development

We know that the stakes are incredibly high when it comes to the user experience in eCommerce. This is why we help retail and eCommerce owners improve third-party integration, customization, security, and scalability with the best quality web app development services.

Educational portals

Software engineers and business professionals at Existek have been working on educational solutions for more than ten years and are ready to use that experience to help you build your cloud educational products, platforms, and web portals.

Fintech web app development

We are working with established companies and new players in the financial sector to help fintech businesses gain and grow their market share with advanced solutions for insurance, loans, investments, trading desks, and financial management.

Healthcare web app development

Existek has the experience and know-how needed to develop secure and reliable web-based solutions for electronic health record systems, hospital management software, and progressive web apps for the medical sector.

Startup web development

We offer first-hand experience in building reasonable solutions for fast-growing companies. Existek’s team is ready to streamline the launch of your tech startup and advance it with the latest web development approaches.

Real estate web app development

Real estate applications can be a great solution to build connections between realtors, sellers, landlords, investors, and buyers. We provide web app development services to streamline business operations and meet the needs of the real estate market.

Lifestyle web applications

Our web experts specialize in delivering a wide range of lifestyle solutions like fitness, wellness, task management, and other web apps. With our high-quality web apps development services, we can turn your business idea into functional, attractive market products

Web application development process

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Research & analysis

Product owner, Business analyst, Project manager

We collect requirements on the project and specific features and analyze how to attain the customer’s goals. At the end of the discovery stage, we provide complete documentation, visual presentation, and detailed project estimates.
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Documentation & design

Business analyst, Project manager, UI/UX designers

Our specialists create a Software Requirements Specification Document with all the deliverables like the database design, system architecture, etc. UI/UX designers provide excellent user experience and produce great visual design for web applications.
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Web Development & testing

Project manager, Web developers, QA engineers

After setting up a robust and secure database, the team implements a web application using server-side and front-end technologies. Testing is performed in parallel to report the bugs for a quick fix to prepare the web app for launch.
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Post-launch support & maintenance

Project manager, Web developers, QA engineers

You get product support through a 30-day warranty according to the standard contract. Also, our customers can sign a Service Level Agreement for future updates, further scaling, and new functionality.

Why work with Existek?

Existek develops and improves enterprise software that helps businesses of all sizes to enable automation, analytics, and collaboration. We know exactly how to leverage cutting-edge technology solutions to bring more excellent value to your customers.

Full-cycle web application development services

Build a web application of any complexity, from zero to final product, in one place. EXISTEK offers the full cycle of custom web application development services you need. Our team can assist you with the development process, starting from defining requirements to the successful launch of your web app.

High quality for lower price

Get a significant price advantage while keeping excellent code quality. Eastern Europe is among the IT-sphere leaders. Our rates are at least 30% lower than in Western Europe or North America, allowing you to save money. Use your savings for marketing, new features, or other web development projects.

Well-tuned development process

Gain full visibility and transparency. As an experienced web app development company, we have accumulated know-how in various industries and learned how to manage software projects efficiently. We always ensure that the web app meets all your goals and requirements.

Niche technology and domain expertise

Get access to all-out technology expertise to meet your project requirements. Our experienced and certified web application developers with first-hand experience are always at your service and ready to go the extra mile.

Quick and easy setup

Staff the team and launch scalable web applications in a shorter time. Transparent hiring allows you to hand-pick software engineers with rich expertise to work on your web development project alongside the in-house team. Our customers enjoy flexible team scalability as they can vary the team size based on the current workload.

High engagement level

Set the team that becomes the fully functional part of your business. We adopt Agile methodologies to ensure smooth communication, continuous monitoring, and high control over the team. Our customers remain actively engaged in the web development process.

More questions on web application development services

What services are included in web app development?

Web development stands for building a web-based solution that runs and looks consistent across different platforms and browsers. With the variety of available technologies, web development teams can deliver a robust and secure backend, a sophisticated user interface, and innovative functionality to focus on your business objectives.

How much does it cost to create a custom web application?

There are lots of factors affecting the cost of web software. It usually depends on the app functionality, project complexity, technology stack, team composition, developers’ experience and location, and engagement models. On average, a web application of medium complexity could cost between $70k and $120k+.

How long does it take to develop a web application?

It's required to handle the comprehensive requirement analysis to estimate the timeline. Besides, the time for each project implementation varies based on the app's complexity and outlined business objectives. Applying proven management and development technologies to streamline the app delivery process remains important.

How to choose between web app development companies?

The key point is finding a professional provider to become your trusted partner. With comprehensive market research, the business has the opportunity to look for an experienced provider with the required tech and industry expertise and shared business values. It's essential to choose the right partner that aligns with your expectations and web project goals.

Does Existek develop for both startups and large enterprises?

As a professional web application development company, we have extensive experience delivering solutions for small, medium, and large businesses. Our team focuses on delivering customized web development approaches to meet every project's specific needs and requirements. We have a number of web projects delivered for both enterprises and startups.


    Call us

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    Our locations

    Ludwika Warynskiego 3a,
    Warsaw, Poland, 00-645
    Strada Banu Antonache 40-44,
    Bucharest, Romania, 011663
    Kosmonavtiv Ave, 39
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021
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    Drop us a line