Proceeding on the latest topic of our blog where we’ve discussed Sitecore development usage and advantages, it would be interesting to address the next questions:

  • What does a Sitecore developer do?
  • How to hire Sitecore developers?
  • What is the average salary?

Received responses will help to outline the key aspects to improve the collaboration efficiency and quality of acquired services.

List of the content


Advancing approaches for content management have presented a variety of solutions unified within marketing strategies and the latest technologies. Businesses have the great possibility to choose between different content management systems to support the full-fledged functionality of their websites and related software solutions. As for development with this experience platform, it is commonly implemented by enterprise-large companies, in particular commercial ones. 

CMS market positions in 2020

Such popularity is explained by efficient content delivery across multi-channels and advanced solutions for software implementation and marketing automation. If we compare the market distribution, the number of projects is fewer than others though it is the choice number one for high traffic sites. Therefore, companies that deliver complex product solutions including migration from other platforms can go with the services of a Sitecore developer. Let’s go through the main reasons to hire those specialists:

Sitecore for development

Leveraging the best practices of .NET development, it has offered a powerful content management platform to create websites and other applications. The headless architecture allows a Sitecore developer to create content once and deliver it across multi-channels including mobile and IoT devices. 


With the available options for deployment, specialists can deal with both on-premise and cloud deployments. The first option is to manage environments on your own servers with an acquired Sitecore software license. Also, you can run your software on Microsoft Azure with either own management or Sitecore managed services.

Marketing tools

This market-leading CMS presents so many efficient tools for marketing. Applying the latest tech approaches, the Sitecore developer handles content streamlining and in-context interactions. They help to outline the best marketing campaigns for your business within automated customer experiences. 


If the company wants to expand the existing functionality, it can choose among some of the Sitecore technology partners. Developers know how to power your solutions and extend it with additional tools to order management, sales management, loyalty programs, etc. 

Artificial Intelligence

The Sitecore developer also deals with the delivery of personalized experiences via AI solutions. It is based on the principles of continuous optimization for instant insights and generating content options for marketers. With the detailed analysis of user behaviors, they are able to reuse in the coming marketing campaigns.

How does development with Sitecore become so popular?

We suggest reading the article about Sitecore development and why it has gained popularity on the market.

Sitecore Development


As long as you are interested in productive work and efficient collaboration with your development team, it is important to understand Sitecore developer roles and responsibilities. 

Since the development process covers a variety of tasks, it will also require input from specialists in different roles. Like with any other project, their responsibilities can be divided into a group of tasks specifically related to infrastructure, customization, front-end development, testing, etc. 

In general, Sitecore developer roles and responsibilities rely on developing, creating, and modifying the experience platform to optimize performance, analyze user needs, and make related software solutions. Using the best practices, developers can implement advanced and secure coding. They work on both delivering exceptional user experiences and implementing efficient tools for the company’s staff. By means of enterprise-level CMS, marketers, and content managers handle different aspects related to website management including advanced solutions on personalization, eCommerce, social integrations. etc. In fact, Sitecore developers work on top of presented solutions and complete tasks like module creation, API development, templating, search application, machine learning capabilities. Therefore, the successful blending of off-the-shelf and custom solutions can meet the needs of large enterprises and commercial companies.

Thus a Sitecore CMS developer deals with designing and creating websites, web, and mobile apps. Also, they are involved in the overall development process starting from requirement analysis, architecture planning, development, and maintenance. Moreover, professional development requires great skills at a wide range of technologies and tools to deliver large-scale functionality. Let’s specify some common responsibilities of a Sitecore developer. 

What does a Sitecore developer do

  • Requirement analysis – the full engagement of senior developers and business analysts is really important on this stage. Professional reviewing non-technical user stories enable reasonable tech solutions for the future needs of the company.
  • Architecture planning – The complex system of projects requires great scalability thus technical capabilities are supported over container-based architecture.
  • Documentation – Comprehensive documentation is a must-have to support software sustainability. It should be completed before the product implementation starts.
  • Database implementation – The Sitecore developer is also responsible for ensuring such properties as security, flexibility, usability, and integrity. They commonly work with the structured-oriented SQL databases.
  • Sitecore development – The professional team will guarantee the product presence and management on browsers, mobile, and IoT devices.
  • Testing – In order to ensure consistent service quality, each of the involved developers has to be proficient in testing and ready for close collaboration with QAs.
  • Maintenance – The Sitecore developer is also capable of troubleshooting, investigating, and debugging issues
  • Functionality expanding – Constant improvements and new feature implementation make this CMS the market choice for companies that look for the latest solutions. You need to have Sitecore developers in the team even after the launch of the main website application to work on the implementation of new features.


With the outlined Sitecore developer roles and responsibilities, you can start searching for qualified specialists that will be fully involved in the development life cycle and handle the diversity of tasks. 

In short, Sitecore developer is the developer with .NET/ ASP.NET/ .NET Core skills that put some extra effort into learning how to work with the Sitecore framework, learned it’s main design principles, coding patterns, etc.

Tech approaches are based on providing high performance, intuitive designs, great customer experience, web and mobile presence of the product, efficient marketing tools. In addition to the quality service focus, the hired staff have to build up support for the fast-paced development environment.

In order to get the position, the Sitecore developer has to be proficient in such areas as development, customization, architecture delivery, testing, etc. Besides the common requirements, companies have to be oriented for specialists that are ready for constant improvements and capable of product advancement with new solutions. As a matter of fact, developers go through extensive and lengthy training with obligatory knowledge verification. For instance, the Sitecore Experience Solution 9 Developer Certification test includes 50 scenario-based questions to ensure developers’ competence at platform tools and items, indexing and search, Sitecore MVC, unit testing, and debugging. In order to complete requirements, they need to pass the test with not less than 80%. At their turn, companies are obliged to partner with the Sitecore certified developer as it is strongly regulated by Sitecore itself. Therefore, high standards of skills, technical knowledge, and professional competence make a good foundation for productive collaboration.

certificate of achievement

Like with hiring any other specialists, consider developers’ experience. Depending on the project needs, you can distribute the estimated work scope among junior, middle, and senior developers. Mentored by more experienced staff, juniors can handle basic tasks with coding, testing, etc. Whereas middle and senior specialists are chosen for technology proficiency, better problem-solving skills, architecture planning, performance optimization, and advancement of the existing functionality. Consequently, the right team composition helps to organize efficient work on all the stages of the development process. 

We’ve gathered some general requirements to hire Sitecore developers with enough experience to work on both simple and complex tasks.

  • Degree in computer science, software engineering or related field
  • Sitecore developer certification version 9.0 or greater
  • 5+ years of experience in software development leveraging .NET framework and technologies like ASP.NET, C#, etc.
  • Minimum 3+ years of Sitecore hands-on development experience
  • Proficient in Sitecore Experience Platform
  • Web UI technologies like JavaScript (Angular, React, Vue.js) and HTML/CSS
  • Experience with service-oriented architecture and continuous integration environment
  • SQL databases, MongoDB
  • Experience with Git and Jira
  • Great problem-solving, collaboration, and communication skills
  • Passionate about learning and adopting new development approaches

Looking for some additional details in setting the right requirements?

Feel free to contact Existek. Our expert team will gladly answer your questions or provide further assistance. We have a decade-long experience in providing full-cycle development services for clients across different industries.

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Sitecore is known for its flexibility and scalability, which makes it a great choice for enterprise-level websites. As a result, the demand for Sitecore developers is high, and businesses need to know how to hire the right people for the job.

Let’s also focus on the process of hiring Sitecore developers and provide tips for identifying the right candidates, interviewing and assessing skills, and checking for experience and case studies to make the final decision.

Identifying the right candidates

When it comes to hiring Sitecore developers, it’s essential to identify candidates with the right skills and qualifications. A good Sitecore developer should have a solid understanding of web development concepts. They should also have experience with .NET and C#, as Sitecore is built on the Microsoft stack. Additionally, they should understand SQL and database management well, as Sitecore utilizes a SQL Server database. Familiarity with agile development methodologies is also important, as Sitecore projects are usually executed using an agile development process.

To find potential candidates, you can go with regular hiring or contact third-party agencies specializing in Sitecore development. Once you have a list of potential candidates, you can screen them by reviewing their resumes and conducting initial interviews.

Interviewing and assessing skills

The next step is to conduct in-depth interviews with potential candidates and assess their knowledge of Sitecore and overall coding abilities. During the interview, you should ask questions about their experience with Sitecore, their understanding of web development concepts, and their experience working on large-scale projects. Questions can include their experience with Sitecore’s Content Management, Experience Management, and Commerce modules and their use of Sitecore’s personalization and analytics features in past projects.

You can also give candidates a coding test or ask them to complete a small project as part of the interview process. This will give you a better understanding of their skills and abilities and help you to determine whether they are a good fit for the role. It will also give you an idea of how they approach a problem, handle time pressure, and communicate their thought process.

Checking for experience and case studies

Once you have identified a few potential candidates, it’s necessary to verify their experience with Sitecore. You can do this by reviewing their portfolio of past projects and case studies or by contacting their references. This will give you a better understanding of their experience and the types of projects they have worked on in the past. It is also beneficial to check their Sitecore certification, if they have any, as it will give you an idea of their commitment to the platform and the level of expertise they possess.

Making the hire

When it comes to making the final decision, it’s important to consider not only a candidate’s skills and experience but also their personality and how well they fit in with your team. Sitecore development requires a lot of collaboration and communication, so finding someone who can work well with other team members and stakeholders is crucial. Once you have decided, you can extend an offer and discuss salary and benefits.

Hiring Sitecore developers can be a challenging process, but by following the tips outlined in this article, you can identify the right candidates, assess their skills, and make the best decision for your business. Remember to check for experience, evaluate their past work and case studies, and make the final decision taking into account the candidate.


One of the challenges to hire Sitecore developers is the growing demand for services but not that many available specialists. The community numbers over 20 000 developers worldwide. Considering how high requirements and how long the transition process takes, the availability of specialists considerably differs from other technical expertise. As a rule, you can find developers in the countries where there is the highest demand for Sitecore development. According to the statistics, the top leading countries using Sitecore are the US, Australia, UK, Netherlands, Germany. These countries have a big percentage of projects implemented with the means of this experience platform. For example, only in the US over 9000  websites use this development approach. However, product delivery is not necessarily handled by local developers. Due to the workforce shortage in the US and EU IT markets, high charges, and lack of required skills, companies often apply for the developers’ services worldwide. So it is a common practice to search both local and global markets.

Rather than being more oriented for physical locations, we’d recommend addressing the question with a different requirement. Sitecore Certification is something that makes the hiring process more demanding. Companies can’t partner with non-certified specialists as they will be asked for each employer’s Sitecore license. Moreover, Sitecore offers services of its own staff to deliver product development. Though, there are few options to look for these developers.

Where to hire Sitecore developers


Regular hiring

Applying the standard approaches, many companies start the search at the local market while offering a full-time position. They handle such moments as hiring, training, certification, employment conditions, etc. This is the most costly model as requires finances on all the matters regarding the in-house developer though supports long-term partnering.


Some businesses practice staff retraining. Provided they have available .NET specialists, they can provide training on Sitecore and support the overall transition. It is a lengthy process with extra spendings that enables obtaining a Sitecore developer that will be still relatively new to this technology.

Freelancing platform

As for part-time collaboration, freelancing platforms remain the popular place to hire a Sitecore developer. Though lower knowledge retention and fewer quality guarantees don’t make it the best choice. Of course, you can decrease expenses but you can’t neglect quality.


Sitecore Solution Partners

Besides offering the services of its employees, Sitecore has created the Solution Partner Program to recognize trusted third-party providers. They have the special tiered system to categorize them according to Silver, Gold, and Platinum standards. If required, Sitecore employees can handle the search and recruiting process for extra charges.

Full-fledge review and research platforms

The perfect alternative to seamless and time-consuming searching where the data-driven approaches make the core. Using platforms like Clutch or Good Firms can considerably simplify the hiring process. The great search engines help to classify providers according to the chosen requirements. Expertise, locations, development rates, engagement models, customer reviews would help to choose the best service providers worldwide.


If you are going to hire a Sitecore developer, it is necessary to learn more about what outlines the Sitecore developer hourly rate and what salary to pay. It is a fact that Sitecore certified developer salaries are higher in comparison to specialists of other expertise. Technology popularity, market demand, fewer specialists, high requirements have exerted a certain influence over the going rates. According to the statistics, the salary of Sitecore developers in the US can be around $125 000 which is almost 30% higher than the average software developer salary. Sitecore development services cost money nevertheless companies can keep within the budget by considering the following factors.

Looking for a Sitecore developer has to be done within the extensive market research. It covers the overall process from checking hourly rates to detailed planning of future collaboration. As long as the company outlines the project needs and estimates the available budget, they are ready to manage their resources. Before you hire a Sitecore CMS developer, you need to choose on required experience and set the right team composition. It is obvious that the senior Sitecore developer salary is higher than the junior one regarding years of experience and competence. Managing the team composition, you’ll also be able to manage expenses. The fact is that often the job of one senior developer can’t be replaced by several juniors. As well as there is no necessity to hire seniors to handle basic tasks that are normally completed by supervised junior developers. Consequently, you could hire a team of 1-2 senior/middle developers assisted by several juniors.

Sitecore developer salary

Moreover, the salary would vary depending on the location of the hired specialists. As mentioned above, companies tend to partner with developers and service providers all over the world. This has been proven one of the efficient ways to find the professional workforce and reduce development costs. The US and Western European markets have acknowledged the considerable decrease in the available IT workforce, so they often consider such outsourcing destinations as Eastern Europe, Latin America, or India. The remote service vendors can offer the same skill set, expertise, and experience however at lower rates. For example, if you hire a Sitecore developer in one of the Eastern European countries like Ukraine or Poland, you have all the chances to decrease development charges by 2-3 times in comparison to US-based providers.

Consequently, the senior Sitecore developer salary starts at $110 000, the middle specialists’ charges are about $85 000 and Sitecore juniors cost a minimum charge of $40 000. All the calculations are done using the average hourly rates in the following locations.

LOCATIONS JUNIOR DEV (1-2 years of experience) MIDDLE DEV (3-4 years of experience) SENIOR DEV (5-6 years of experience)
THE USA $40-45/hr $65-75/hr $95-110/hr
WESTERN EUROPE $40-45/hr $60-70/hr $90-100/hr
EASTERN EUROPE $30-35/hr $50-55/hr $70-80/hr
LATIN AMERICA $25-30/hr $45-50/hr $60-70/hr
INDIA $20-25/hr $35-40/hr $55-65/hr


If you are interested in efficient collaboration with the best Sitecore developers, you are going to spend some time on the market search and outlining project requirements. Based on the needs of your company, you can find a Sitecore developer that can create, manage, and advance your software solutions with powerful CMS. We hope you’ve found all the necessary details about developer roles and responsibilities, where to find good specialists, and how to estimate their charges.

Have additional questions or need professional assistance?

Feel free to contact Existek. We know how to create solutions within meeting customer needs and leveraging the best technology practices.

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Frequently asked questions

Why hire Sitecore developers?

Hiring Sitecore developers can be beneficial as they have specialized knowledge and experience working with the Sitecore platform, can help take full advantage of the platform's features, integrate with other systems and platforms, maintain and update the website, and help with digital transformation for better user experience, engagement, and conversions.

Where to find Sitecore developers?

If the company needs to hire a Sitecore developer, they can both look for individual specialists and apply for the services of third-party providers. The good news is that they have various options, including retraining, regular hiring, freelancing and research platforms, etc. The main goal remains to find an expert with significant expertise to cover project needs.

What factors can determine the Sitecore developer's salary?

The salary of developers can vary depending on a number of aspects. It includes:

  • Market demand

  • Developer experience

  • Number of available specialists

  • Engagement model

  • Location of the hired developers

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